Vatha kuzhambu | vatha kulambu | Iyengar vatha kuzhambu | Manathakalikka vatha kuzhambu

To tell about this kuzhambu , it is one of the main dish in Tamilnadu. It is a traditional recipe of Tamil Brahmin Kitchen. It is tangy and spicy in taste.
Usually i have seen my mom making this kuzhambu with sundakkai, manathakali, brinjal or cluster beans, which are soaked in buttermilk and sun dried for 4 to 5 days.
Once they are sun dried they are called as vathal. Thats were we say Vathakuzhambu.
  • Cuisine: South Indian
  • Course:Kuzhambu
  • Cook time: 25mins
  • Prep time: 10mins
  • Serves: 4 persons.


  • Tamarind extract – 2 cups
  • Dry Manathakalika vathal – 1.5 tbsp ( can be replaced with small onion, brinjal, drumstick, ladies finger)
  • Gingely oil – 4 tbsp
  • Dry red chillies – 3
  • Curry leaves Few
  • Salt to taste
  • Mustard seeds-2 tsp
  • Fenugreek seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Toor dhall – 1/2 tsp
  • Sambar powder – 2 tbsp
  • Jaggery – pinch


  1. In a vessel add oil and mustard seeds.
  2. Once splutter add fenugreek, Dry red chillies, Toor dhall and curry leaves. Saute for a min.
  3. Now add the Dry manathakalikka vathal and roast well in oil.
  4. Add tamarind extract, salt and sambar powder.
  5. Mix well and allow them to boil for atleast 20-25 mins.
  6. Once the gravy starts to thicken add jagerry and stir.
  7. If the kuzhambu has not thickened add one tsp of rice flour in water mix well and add to kuzhambu. Let it boil.
  8. This will thicken the kuzhambu.
  9. Turn off the flame once it is thick.
  10. Serve with hot rice and smear a little gingely oil on it.


  • This kuzhambu taste really good the next day.
  • The sundried vathal will already be salty. So when you add salt to kuzhambu remember to add little.
  • When made in claypot, that taste is totally different.
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